
Dr Tubagus Djumhana A
Chairman of the ISHMO
P.hD, MD, Internist, Consultant Hematology Medical Oncology

Core Committee of the Best of ASCO 2023

Dr Sri Agustini

Dr Ardi Rahman Ahani

Dr Andree Kurniawan

Dr Ruth Vonky Rebecca

Scientific Committee of the Best of ASCO 2023

Prof Noorwati Sutandyo

Prof Ami Ashariati

Prof Ketut Suega

Prof S. Ugroseno Yudho Bintoro

Dr Ibnu Purwanto

Dr Cosphiadi Irawan

Dr Irza Wahid

Dr Hilman Tadjoedin

Dr Andhika Rachman

Dr Muhammad Darwin Prenggono

Dr Tutik Harjianti

Dr Indra Wijaya

Dr Ronald Alexander Hukom

Dr Johan Kurnianda

Dr Yenny Dian Andayani

Dr Eko Adhi Pangarsa

Dr Dimas Priantono

Dr Nia Novianti Siregar

Myanmar Scientific Committee of the Best of ASCO 2023

Prof Soe Aung

Philippines Scientific Committee of the Best of ASCO 2023

Dr Honey Sarita J Abarquez

Dr Josephine Contreras-Tolentino



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